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Raf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpadów Przemysłowych i MedycznychRaf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpadów Przemyslowych i Medycznych

Raf - Ekologia Sp. z o.o.
Industrial and Medical Waste Incineration Plant

  1. thermal neutralization (incineration) of industrial, medical and veterinary waste,
  2. neutralization of chemical agents from schools, laboratories, etc.
  3. supervised shredding of secret clause documents,
  4. used oils collection,
  5. used electric and electronic equipment collection,
  6. cleaning of storage tanks, sewer wells and sand traps,
  7. cleaning of oil-derived substances separators and fat separators,
  8. waste management documentation compilation,
  9. hazardous materials carriage advisory services

Raf - Ekologia Sp. z o. o. - Eco-Friendly Company, 2007
The environmentally safe (which is confirmed by numerous inspections and measurements) incineration of wide range of waste in our specialized plant radically reduces the waste material volume and the generated heat is used to produce process steam.

As the waste incineration process is controlled automatically, the plant is under uninterrupted monitoring.

Raf - Ekologia Company, having a modern and effective plant and experienced and skilled personnel, guarantees that its operations are in compliance with all and any environment protection and waste management regulations.

We render comprehensive service
All entities possessing or generating waste are invited for cooperation

 Raf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpad w Przemyslowych i Medycznych
Raf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpad w Przemyslowych i Medycznych

Raf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpad w Przemyslowych i Medycznych
Raf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpad w Przemyslowych i MedycznychRaf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpad w Przemyslowych i MedycznychRaf-Ekologia - Spalarnia Odpad w Przemyslowych i Medycznych

Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone dla RAF-EKOLOGIA - spalarnia odpadów przemysłowych i medycznych.
Projekt i wykonanie: Piotr Lidwin